The Board of Directors shall meet before and after each season. Meetings of the Board of Directors shall take place on a seasonal basis each meeting will be on the 1st Wednesday of the following months Feb, May Aug, & Nov. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May each year.
At any General Meeting, the President or Vice President can declare an “Executive Session” during which time only the Board of Directors and their invitees may be present. An executive session shall be called anytime personnel matters or membership personal matters are to be discussed.
Agenda: per Piedmont Soccer Academy Bi-Laws
The order of business at the monthly meetings shall be as follows:
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Acceptance of Minutes
4. Introduction of Guests
5. Staff Reports
6. Committee Reports
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Good of Game
10. Member Forum
11. Adjournment
Notes and Clarifications about the Agenda.
Each Meeting sub-sections may be added to the agenda to include guest speakers and to facilitate taking care of business.
Staff Reports are given by the Directors of Coaching, Director of Scheduling, Registrar, Assignor, and other staff positions that may be created by the Board to service the club. This is also the section of the Agenda where invited guest speakers may be asked to address the Board. The order of speakers is set by the President.
After a staff member or guest speaker has finished their presentation board members may ask questions for clarification. Members may ask questions after being recognized by the President (however, the best time for members to engage in discussion is during "Good of the Game" or "Member Forum"). Issues requiring a vote may be addressed at this time, but will usually be delayed until "New Business" to ensure full discussion of the matter.
Committee Reports are given by committee chairpersons or their representative to the club on the progress of the committee in finishing it delegate tasks. After a speaker has finished with their presentation, members of the board may ask questions and the board may vote on issues. Members must be recognized by the President before asking questions or engaging in discussions.
Unfinished Business - the board addresses matters which are ongoing or where tabled at a previous meeting. During this section, voting may occur after motions are made and after discussion by the members of the board. During discussion, the President may call on members who have insight into the matter at hand.
New Business - the board entertains motions for the better meant of Barrow Youth Soccer and the players. After a motion is made and seconded the board will enter into discussion on the matter. a matter should not be discussed until a motion is made and has a second.
Good of the Game and Member Forum - these sections are more relaxed with discussion about how to improve the game for our player and open discussions with members. This is the best time for members to bring there ideas and thought before the board. Motions can be presented and with a second discussed by the board resulting in new policies being adopted and/or new committees formed to research member ideas.
During the board meetings "Roberts Rules of Order" are used to ensure decorum is maintained and the process flows smoothly in and organized manner.
2024 Board Meeting Minutes
2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Request to speak at the Next Board Meeting: Click Here
Next Board Meeting:
Wednesday Feb 19th 2025, 7:30pm
Victor Lord Park
If you would like to contact the board you may email any board member directly or you can email [email protected]